Friday, March 29, 2013

How do biologists work?

Knowledge appears as desire to know the man. In solving the problem, people want an answer to these problems with the correct answer. Truth can be obtained through two approaches, namely a non-scientific (not scientific) and a scientific approach.

1. Non-Scientific approach
Truth be obtained through non-scientific approach among others, comes from common sense, the discovery by chance, the discovery by trial and error, and expert opinions.

2. Scientific approach
Scientific approach demanding ways or certain steps in a certain order to attain true knowledge. The knowledge gained by scientific approach derived from scientific research to test keajegannya. That is, if other people do research using the steps and conditions to be obtained the same or almost the same as previous studies. Certain measures are used in scientific research is called the scientific method.

A. Scientific method

Scientific method is a way of solving problems through the steps and the way that the order should not be inverted. The stages of the scientific method are as follows:.

  • Formulate or find problems
  • Collecting data and information through observation
  • Proposed a hypothesis or conjecture
  • Conducting experiments (experiments) to test the hypothesis
  • infer
  • Testing concluded with retries

A scientist who intends to obtain high quality results are required to use the steps in the scientific method, but must have a scientific attitude as well.

B. Scientific attitude

Some scientific attitude must be owned by a scientist is as follows:

  • Curiosity

someone who has a great curiosity compelled not be satisfied until he finds the answer to his ignorance. This can be met by asking others, reading, or observation alone.

  • Honest

The data obtained in the study must be in accordance with the facts and not making it up.

  • Diligent

Diligent, hard-hearted, and mean it.

  • Thorough

Carefully or thoroughly in data collection, use of tools and materials, measurement, data processing, and conclusions.

  • Objective

All that is stated is true objec, regardless of opinion or personal opinion.

  • Open

Can accept input in the form of opinions, criticisms, and suggestions from others. May admit his guilt, and to cooperate with others.

C. Data
The second stage of the scientific method is to collect data. The meaning of the data is the result of any observation or experiment in the form of information about something in the form of categories or numbers.
By its nature, the data can be divided into two, namely:
  • Qualitative data were categorized according to the quality of the data objects are studied and presented in the form of numbers.
  • Quantitative data is data in the form of numbers. This data is obtained from measurements or calculations.

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